Network Management Organization
Total Protection Shield -

Virtual Financial & Insurance Group  

"I love that Liberty took the time to customize my sales funnel for my real estate business and help me recruit two new agents for my team. With the Network Management Organization, I was able to create new income streams while focusing most of my time on my Primary Business, i.e., selling real estate.  With this new focus I was able to generate over $140,000 in commissions over the last four months. Thanks, Liberty!"

          -- M.K. 

"I was owed money by people in five states and didn't know where to turn for help. Fortunately, Liberty provided a Network Management Consultant who coordinated a legal team for me for a small fraction of what those services would cost anywhere else.  And, I recovered funds that I was expecting to write-off"
          -- W.A. ​

who we are

We offer a range of Insurance, Financial, Real Estate and Legal Network Management and related consulting services, all designed to provide your company with the time and energy required to make sales.  We build your referral network with current clients,  prospects and vendors whom you reward with cross-referrals and new opportunities to create residual income.  If you have time and energy, we can teach you to do most of the Network Building work yourself.  If you are very busy focusing on your Primary Business, then you can have your Network Management Consultant  spend more time working for you... It's your choice... we will do 40% of the work as part of the Liberty "Done With You" program or 80%  as part of our "Done For You" program.  Whatever your situation, we can help! 

our approach - get c.a.l.m.!

our members SPEAK

Each Company has a Referral Network and a Vendor Network.... Referrals make money FOR you, Vendors make money FROM you.  We deliver innovative solutions that enable you to maximize referrals and sales by organizing joint ventures among members who are likely to refer business to each other.  

total protection Shield SOLUTIONS


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we believe in a team approach to wealth creation & preservation and a customized 

comprehensive asset & Liability Management (C.A.L.M.)  strategy for every client.